Servant of God, Bp Wojciech Owczarek – tomorrow and today. In the 100 th anniversary of episcopal ordination


  • Natalia Lucyna Musidlak


Bishop Wojciech Owczarek, zeal, love, prayer, Homeland, patriotism, diligence, reliability, holiness, social commitment, Congregation


The article provides the answer to the question: who was the Servant of God and why are his life, spirituality and message still valid in our times? According to selected documents, the spiritual silhouette of Bishop Wojciech Owczarek, his life and holiness, appear as an extremely valid testimony to the love of the Church, the Homeland and his calling. Wojciech Owczarek was far from grim ascetic, although he lived a very modest, hardworking and austere life. In everyday life, immersed in God by fervent prayer, he remained close to the poor, the needy and the suffering. Involved in social issues, he was searching for ways and means of helping neglected people, especially the younger generation, as well as women and mothers who were difficult to reconcile family and professional duties. For the sake of the future of the Homeland, family and society, the bishop founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Common Work from the Immaculate Mary, to whom he conveyed the spirit and charism of caring for his fellow men. His character and spirituality still exudes love for the Gospel and its requirements.


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How to Cite

Musidlak, N. L. (2019). Servant of God, Bp Wojciech Owczarek – tomorrow and today. In the 100 th anniversary of episcopal ordination. Studia Włocławskie, 21, 587–602. Retrieved from


