The dialogue according to the Pope Paul VI




Church, dialogue, world, Pope Paul VI, clarity, trust, openness, ecumenism


The article is a reflection on the proposition of dialogue of Pope Paul VI in his encyclical Ecclesiam suam. The Church fulfills its saving mission in the still changing today’s world. Faced with today’s world, against the difficulties of get-ting to it, the Church must search for ways to fulfill its saving mission. It must take a reflection on its self-awareness, renewal and going out into the world again and again. The Church should open a dialogue with the man community, in the pattern of the dialogue between God and people, the dialogue of saving. Talking of the need of the dialogue, the Pope specifies its characteristics: clarity, gentleness, trust and prudence; he mentioned about the methods and dangers. He defines address-ees with whom the dialogue should be conducted. They are: human community, noon-believers, non-Christian religion believers, Christian religion believers and members of Catholic Church. Finally, he calls for acts, because modern vitality of the Church depends on them.

Author Biography

Zbigniew Skrobicki, UMK

Dr filozofii, emerytowany wykładowca katolickiej nauki społecznej na Wydziale Teologii Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika
w Toruniu.


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How to Cite

Skrobicki, Z. (2021). The dialogue according to the Pope Paul VI. Studia Włocławskie, 23, 113–128.


