The mission of the Church in the interpretation of Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki – the founder of the Light-Life Movement



evangelisation, ecclesiology, Church, liturgy, mission, parish, personalism, Council, modern world


This article is based on the academic elaborations of Rev. Blachnicki. His researches concerning the mission of the Church disclosed that this great renovator of faith’s life was built on the pneumatological concept of the Church as a prolongation of the saving mission of Jesus Christ and His anointing with the Holy Spirit. He did not dispute the dogmatic understanding of the Church in a traditional views but he draw the attention on its modern pastoral inadequateness. The Council’s teachings about the local Church focused the attention on forming a missionary character of the parish’s life. Discerning charisms in the ecclesial community enables its development in the realisation of the saving intermediation. In a particular manner, the Church become real in the liturgy, hence Rev. Blachnicki pointed that the liturgical assembly is a sign (a sacrament) of the Church which was seen as a salvation’s sacrament by the Council. According to the patristic idea Ecclesia MaterMater Ecclesiae, he developed the personalistic view of the Church and its mission building the evangelistic and catechumen movement of renewal of the Church. In the article it is proved that the four great Council’s constitutions are a foundation of definition of Church’s mission put towards the change of its local and world structures for Blachnicki.

Author Biography

Piotr Kulbacki, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

Ksiądz rzym.-kat. Dr hab., prof. nzw. w Instytucie Liturgiki i Homiletyki KUL; kurator założonego przez ks. F. Blachnickiego i ks. W. Danielskiego Instytutu Formacji Pastoralno-Liturgicznej (KUL); autor licznych opracowań naukowych poświęconych ewangelizacji i formacji, monografii Liturgia w formacji człowieka ku wolności. Studium w świetle myśli i dzieła ks. Franciszka Blachnickiego (Lublin 2013); przewodniczący Komisji Teologiczno-Programowej Ruchu Światło-Życie.



How to Cite

Kulbacki, P. (2018). The mission of the Church in the interpretation of Rev. Franciszek Blachnicki – the founder of the Light-Life Movement. Studia Włocławskie, 20, 519–538. Retrieved from


