Reflection on the Friendship between St. John Paul II and Blessed Władysław Bukowiński
friendship, honesty, goodness, faith, love, church, providenceAbstract
Friendship is very beautiful. It is a school of full humanity. He teaches a sense of responsibility and kindness, expands the friend’s heart to the needs of others, not just his own. Teaches sensitivity and care for others. A friend is open and kind. He easily makes contacts because a person who has friends is not afraid of people, so he does not shun them. He listens to them with interest. The friend also has a sense of humor. He is not only a master of the word, but – if necessary – he also becomes a master of silence. An authentic friend wants to know the life conditions of his friend, not because he is devoid of vain curiosity, but because – if necessary – he wants to help him, be with him and for him. All this worked well in the life of Fr. Bukowiński and priest Wojtyła, two friends, living in different parts of the world, in very different conditions, with varying degrees of commitment to the life of the Church, but with similar love for God and the people among whom they were put.
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