Jean-Baptiste Bullet and the miracle of normality




Jean-Baptiste Bullet, physico-theology, Cartesianism, the existence of God, miracles


Abbé Jean-Baptiste Bullet was an 18th century French scholar and theologian. Using his knowledge of natural sciences, he offered a physico-theological proof of the existence of God in which the organization and the makeup of nature was used to show the existence of an intelligent Creator whose divine attributes could be detected in nature. He stressed the fact that humans are missing the miraculous aspect of the makeup of the world since they are used to it and thus consider is something normal.

Author Biography

Adam Drozdek, Uniwersytet Duquesne w Pittsburgh

M.S. (computer science, 1987, Wright State University, Dayton, USA); B.S., M.A. (archaeology, 1973, University of Wroclaw, PL); Ph.D. in Philosophy (1977, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, PL). Associate Professor at Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, USA). He is an author of numerous articles and several books on philosophy and theology.


Bullet J.-B., Dissertations sur la mythologie françoise, et sur plusieurs curieux de l’historie de France, Paris 1771.

Bullet J.-B., L’Existence de Dieu, démontrée par les merveilles de la nature, vol. 1–2, Paris 1768.

Bullet J.-B., Histoire de l’établissement du christianisme, tirée des seuls auteurs juifs et payens, où l’on trouve une preuve solide de la vérité de cette religion, Besançon 1764.

Bullet J.-B., Mémoires sur la langue celtique, vol. 1, Dijon 1754; vol. 2–3, Besançon 1759–1760.

Bullet J.-B., Réponses critiques aux difficultés proposées par les nouveaux incrédules, sur divers endroits des livres saints, vol. 1–3, Paris 1773–1775.

Pignatelli C., L’étymologisme celtomane de Jean-Baptiste Bullet, in: Ki bien voldreit raisun entendre, eds. S. Dörr, F. Möhren, Strasbourg 2012, p. 199–216.




How to Cite

Drozdek, A. (2022). Jean-Baptiste Bullet and the miracle of normality. Studia Włocławskie, 24, 169–179.




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