Psychology lectures by Rev. Idzi Benedykt Radziszewski at the Catholic University of Lublin




Idzi Benedykt Radziszewski, wykłady z psychologii, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski


This study shows the importance of the lectures on psychology delivered by Idzi Radziszewski at the Catholic University of Lublin. These lectures had two stages: (1) teaching general psychology at the primary university level in every field of study by Idzi Radziszewski himself; and (2) initiating specialized lectures in the senior years of studies in theoretical or applied psychology as a response to the needs of students and their faculty members. The article shows how teaching general psychology in each field of study already in the first semester of the first year, gave students of the new Polish university a common conceptual language both for scientific conversations and as a tool for conversations in everyday situations or with friends. The mere passing of the exam in general psychology already in the first year of study gave students a kind of imprinting knowledge that accompanied them throughout their studies. Bearing in mind the benefits that the University itself gained from the lectures on psychology, we must point to the shaping of the atmosphere and organizational culture of the new scientific institution by these lectures, which was the first university in Lublin. The foundation of the educational work, which were “lectures in psychology at the Catholic University of Lublin” was established by the first rector of this University, Rev. prof. Idzi Radziszewski through his charismatic approach to people, substantive competence, authenticity and sanctity of his priestly, academic and personal life.

Author Biography

Adam Biela, Uniwersytet Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej, Wydział Pedagogiki i Psychologii, Instytut Psychologii, ul. Głęboka 45, 20-612 Lublin, PL

Mgr (filozofia, 1970, KUL, Lublin); dr psychologii eksperymentalnej i przemysłowej (1973, KUL, Lublin); dr hab. psychologii eksperymentalnej i przemysłowej (1980, KUL, Lublin); prof. (1992). Dziekan Wydziału Nauk Społecznych (1993–1998, KUL, Lublin).


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How to Cite

Biela, A. (2022). Psychology lectures by Rev. Idzi Benedykt Radziszewski at the Catholic University of Lublin. Studia Włocławskie, 24, 129–150.


