Biblical inspirations in spiritual theology of Fr. Prof. Ireneusz Werbiński


  • Tomasz Michalski Akademia Teologii Katolickiej w Warszawie



biblical inspirations, lectio divina, prayer, vocation, theology of spirituality, ks. Ireneusz Werbiński


The works of Fr. Professor Ireneusz Werbiński rooting in the biblical tradition are based on the unshakeable foundation of the Holy Bible. In the Lord’s Word there lies such a great strength and power that it is a support and vital force for Church and the assertion of faith, food of soul and permanent and clear source of spiritual life for the Church sons (Cf. KO, n. 20–21).

Fr. Werbiński in his academic dissertation not only is inspired by biblical sources, but also engrains the mystery of the call od sancity in God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, starting with the mystery of the Holy Trinity.

Fr. Werbiński shows specific examples of biblical figures, with Mary amongst them, in the special place; the Old Testament patriarchs and prophets, headed by the father of all the believers, Abraham and the apostles: Peter and Paul. Fr. Prof. Ireneusz Werbiński not only shows the task and the great role of the models, but also, according to the Bible, he points to the means that are to help with the path to holiness. Among those means, he emphasises the role of prayer of the Towary and the reading of the Holy Bible called lectio divina, which helps people with the personal experience of relationship with God.


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Szewciw A., Werbiński I., Biblijna duchowość, w: Leksykon duchowości katolickiej, red. M. Chmielewski, Lublin – Kraków 2002, s. 80–81.

Szewciw A., Werbiński I., Chrystusa modlitwa, w: Leksykon duchowości katolickiej, red. M. Chmielewski, Lublin – Kraków 2002, s. 124–126.

Szewciw A., Werbiński I., Ewa, w: Leksykon duchowości katolickiej, red. M. Chmielewski, Lublin – Kraków 2002, s. 258–259.

Szewciw A., Werbiński I., Lectio divina, w: Leksykon duchowości katolickiej, red. M. Chmielewski, Lublin – Kraków 2002, s. 462–463.

Szewciw A., Werbiński I., „Ojcze nasz”, w: Leksykon duchowości katolickiej, red. M. Chmielewski, Lublin – Kraków 2002, s. 605–606.



How to Cite

Michalski, T. (2020). Biblical inspirations in spiritual theology of Fr. Prof. Ireneusz Werbiński. Studia Włocławskie, 22, 46–56.


