Children’s preparation for the sacraments of Repentance and Eucharist the in Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church


  • Oksana Dziubata



Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, Repentance and Holy Communion sacraments, UGCC Catechism Christ is our Passover, Solemn Holy Eucharist, programme Christ is the bread of life, Kyiv Christian tradition, Divine Liturgy, catechist, prayer, teaching and bringing up, the Holy Scripture


According to the Particular Law (sui iuris) of Ukrainian Greek-Catholic church the can. 80 „exercising of the Christian initiation sacraments is fulfilled through the Holy Eucharist so in the summary of Baptism and Confirmation sacraments the baptized person has to accede to the Holy Eucharist according to the Liturgical Books requirements. Can. 92 of this Law in paragraph 3 states „that a 7-year-old child has reached the age of understanding, and he should be encouraged to the Repentance sacrament”. It is the bases of the programme. The children’s preparation programme for the first confession and the solemn Holy Eucharist in Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church is entitled Christ is the bread of life and is confirmed at the session of the diocesan catechetical commissions UGCC leaders and agreed with the UGCC Catechism Christ is our Passover. According to the programme the auxiliary methodological set has been prepared which contains the instruction for the catechist and the study book for children. The programme consists of three parts: God has created me and He loves me, God has given me the live and The Holy Sacrament of Repentance is the demonstration of God’s love to me. It corresponds to the catechism’s structure – the faith of church, the prayer of church and the life of church. The aim of the programme is to teach students Christian articles of faith, to deepen the students’ faith in God as a loving father, to bring them into the liturgical church life, to teach them how to pray as well as to differentiate the goodness and the evil and choose the goodness. The indicators of the students’ amount of the knowledge achievements are the level of the knowledge and the way of behaviour, which he implies in the relationships with the people, surrounding him.

Author Biography

Oksana Dziubata

Zakonnica. Mgr, dyrektor Wydziału Katechetycznego w Kurii Biskupiej w Iwano-Frankiwsku (UKGK), doktorantka Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie.


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How to Cite

Dziubata, O. (2020). Children’s preparation for the sacraments of Repentance and Eucharist the in Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. Studia Włocławskie, 22, 231–244.


