Sanctifying the function of the Church and the right to the sacraments in the danger of death


  • Bartosz Trojanowski Papieski Wydział Teologiczny we Wrocławiu



the right to the sacraments, the sacraments, the danger of death, the rights of the faithful, the duties of ministers


In order to exercise the right of the faithful to the sacraments, one must have an appropriate disposition (cf. can. 843 § 1 CIC). For this reason, the Legislator, in special situations in life, such as the moments of danger of death, changes the norms, and even suspends some, so that the faithful can receive the sacraments that are most needed for their salvation at that moment. The analysis of the possibility of receiving individual sacraments in danger of death is not only an exegesis of the applicable law, but also an attempt to answer the emerging difficult and doubtful issues. In this way, the highest law of the Church is realized, the salus animarum, which expresses God’s will and, as God’s law, determines other laws that must be subordinate to it. Therefore, an analysis of the legislation on individual sacraments in danger of death allows us to notice the implementation of this right, and at the same time to show the intention of the Legislator and the manner of proceeding in accordance with canonical equity in situations of doubt and in cases not regulated by canon law. The primacy of the right to salvation and the duty of the Church to sanctify the People of God must be the source and the highest standard of conduct for faithful ministers in danger of death, but also for intellectual disabilities, etc.


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How to Cite

Trojanowski, B. (2022). Sanctifying the function of the Church and the right to the sacraments in the danger of death. Studia Włocławskie, 24, 454–473.


