The Reverend Professor Leonard Fic’ studies on Buddhismin its uniqueness and originality as well as promotionof the Christian-Buddhist dialogue




Buddhism, Buddhism in Western culture, Christianity, Christian-Buddhist dialogue, John Paul II, upbringing in Buddhism, salvation in Buddhism


The Reverend Professor Leonard Fic has been conducting scientific research on Buddhism in its uniqueness and originality for many years. He has also been involved in promoting the Christian-Buddhist dialogue. He is interested in the theology of religions and comparative studies of religions. He focuses on the subject of “God” and Jesus Christ, which is a challenge in the dialogue of Buddhism.

Salvation in Buddhism is an important research topic. Encyclopaedic entries and articles discussing problems of religions of the Far East and India are among his valuable contributions. The Reverend Professors’ scholarly interests also concern the involvement of Pope John Paul II in the work of interreligious dialogue. Both his articles and books constitute a kind of propaedeutics to the dialogue between the Catholic Church and Buddhism.

The Reverend Professor has devoted a lot of attention to Buddhism in Western culture. He has also worked on the subject of Buddhist soteriology.


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Buddyzm i hinduizm w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II (1978–1999), red. S. Lach, Z.J. Kijas, Kraków 2000.

Dajczer T., Buddyzm w swej specyfice o odrębności wobec chrześcijaństwa, Warszawa 1993.

Dembowski B., Wprowadzenie do Deklaracji o stosunku Kościoła do religii niechrze-ścijańskich, w: Sobór Watykański II, Konstytucje. Dekrety. Deklaracje, Poznań 2002, s. 327–332.

Sakowicz E., Chrześcijaństwo wobec hinduizmu i buddyzmu, HD, 69(1991), nr 1, s. 41–51.

Sakowicz E., Dialog Kościoła katolickiego z buddyzmem. Zarys faktograficzny, w: Dni Buddyjskie (Materiały z sesji naukowej), red. E. Śliwka, M. Brześcicki, Pieniężno 1990, s. 152–179.

Sakowicz E., Papież Jan Paweł II o buddyzmie, HD, 61(1992), nr 2–3, s. 63–72.

Sakowicz E., Pryncypia dialogu Kościoła katolickiego z religiami Dalekiego Wschodu i Indii w świetle nauczania Soboru Watykańskiego II oraz dokumentów posobo-rowych, Warszawa 2006.

Sakowicz E., Religioznawstwo, Lublin 2009.

Wańka A., [rec.] Leonard Fic, Buddyzm w kulturze Zachodu, Lublin 2016 (Religie Świata – Świat Religii, t. 18); AtK, 166(2016), z. 3, s. 607–611.



How to Cite

Sakowicz, E. (2021). The Reverend Professor Leonard Fic’ studies on Buddhismin its uniqueness and originality as well as promotionof the Christian-Buddhist dialogue. Studia Włocławskie, 23, 21–39.


