Eucharist in relation to the sacraments of healing




Eucharist, sacrament of penance, anointing of the sick, unity, relationship, salvation, sin, forgiveness, disease, healing


This article presents the ontological relationship between the Eucharist and the sacraments of Christian healing, that is to say penance and anointing of the sick. The unity of the sacraments mentioned above should not be sought in the possibility of combining them during one celebration, because in the case of the sacrament of penance it is impossible. The close relationship of the Eucharist with the sacrament of penance and anointing of the sick results from the events of Christ's death and resurrection. The Eucharist makes these events present under the cover of signs, and the other sacraments derive their effectiveness and fruitfulness from them. Thanks to the sacrament of penance, a person gains forgiveness of sins, which became possible thanks to the death and resurrection of Christ. Freedom from sin allows full union with Christ in eucharistic communion. The sacrament of the anointing of the sick connects the suffering with the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus and thus becomes for them the sacrament of healing and salvation. The fullness of these realities is present in the Eucharist in its actual and eschatological dimension.


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Author Biography

Dariusz Kwiatkowski, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

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How to Cite

Kwiatkowski, D. (2023). Eucharist in relation to the sacraments of healing. Studia Włocławskie, 25, 61–74.


