Fr. Archbishop Bronisław Dąbrowski - defender and reformer of religious life




Fr. Abp B. Dąbrowski, monk, nun, monastic life, reformer, formator of religious life, christoformization, formative Christocentrism, religious vows, purity, poverty, obedience


The achievements of Fr. Archbishop B. Dąbrowski in terms of saving religious life in the times of communism are significant. He managed to save many religious communities - male and female - from total annihilation, improve their human existence, save material resources belonging to religious orders and allowing them to simply exist. An extraordinary role was played by Fr. Archbishop in shaping the formative and spiritual dimension of religious life. He succeeded in implanting the conciliar spirit in religious life, which aimed to deepen the spiritual dimension of religious life. The nuns, aware of the achievements of Fr. Archbishop, were eternally grateful to him for his contribution to the development of religious life in Poland, calling him their father. His personal example was not insignificant and testified to his spiritual heights, which he wanted to pursue as a religious. The smile, joy and goodness that he brought and emanated, especially in difficult times, were support for all religious communities. His commitment was a confirmation for the monks and nuns that they were not alone, constituting not only a religious community, but also a community of the Universal Church, fulfilling a vocation and mission in its structure. He was also a witness and an example of a good man and monk for others. He demanded a lot from himself and taught others to do the same. For him, man is God's creation, God's beloved child, brother and sister. Undoubtedly, we can consider him a reformer of religious structures and a formator of the spiritual life of religious communities in Poland.

Author Biography

Władysław Piechota, Teologiczne Towarzystwo Naukowe Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego we Włocławku

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How to Cite

Piechota, W. (2023). Fr. Archbishop Bronisław Dąbrowski - defender and reformer of religious life. Studia Włocławskie, 25, 262–289.


