The Law or Christ as the Educator? Christocentric concept of education according to Gal 3:24




St. Paul, Apostle, Galatians, the Law, Christ as a Educator, Christocentric concept of education


Galatians is perceived as not only Paul’s apologetic letter and his Gospel but also a dispute with his opponents’ mistakes due to the fact that the people of Galatia succumbed their agitation with remarkable ease. In Paul’s absence, the situation was so dangerous that, as he was not able to come in person, he felt compelled to write them a very firm letter to defend his Gospel and his apostle’s position. He claims with emphasis that there is no other Gospel (Gal 1:7). The essence of the Gospel spouted by Paul is the faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, ‘born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship’ (Gal 4:4–5). The faith in Jesus as the Son of God brings a gift of a foster sonship and also a justification that is so desired for every Jew. The difference between the Gospel spouted by Paul and his opponents’ phrases is that Paul, as a title of justification, points on the faith in Jesus who gave himself for us (Gal 1:4), not on the Law that does not have either the power of giving a life, or a justification. (Gal 3:21). To the evidences showing the insufficiency of the Law to receives the justification, Paul attaches the argument in the field of education: before faith came (Gal 3:23) the Law acted as a servant-carer that was to lead chosen people to Christ – Teacher. It had a subordinate and preventive role, prevented from dangers. Paul shows the Law was not an aim of the Israel’s way but some kind of help. He called it paidagogos (from Greek) while the true Teacher is Jesus Christ (Cf. John 13:13). Thanks to Galatians, the Church was enlightened by the valuable ray of epiphany, in the light of which it has been contemplating a mystery of Christ as the Teacher shaping the God people’s faith.
Galatians is a completion of the picture of the Teacher’s educational mission, shown in the Gospels and reminded in the Hebrews and Apocalypse. Those last two texts pointed on the signigicant motive of educational efford, live. Only the love that communicates the wise and generous life’s skills can educate; it is also claimed by people’s experience.

Author Biography

Stanisław Jankowski, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu

Ksiądz rzym.-kat., SDB. Doktor teologii biblijnej na Uniwersytecie Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie; studia w Rzymie na Papieskim Instytucie Biblijnym (licencjat biblijny) i w École Biblique et Archéologique w Jerozolimie. Aktualnie profesor emerytowany. Autor Ziemia Święta – przewodnik (1983), Biblia w życiu człowieka i Kościoła (2006), Geografia biblijna (2007), Małżeństwo i rodzina w Piśmie Świętym (2008), Historia zbawienia (2018), udział w polskim tłumaczeniu Biblii Ekumenicznej (NT). W polu zainteresowań: teologia, historia i geografia biblijna, dialog międzyreligijny, udziela się także jako przewodnik po krajach biblijnych.


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How to Cite

Jankowski, S. (2020). The Law or Christ as the Educator? Christocentric concept of education according to Gal 3:24. Studia Włocławskie, 22, 109–132.


