The influence of disordered drug addict's personality on his offspring


  • Krzysztof Graczyk TTN



the good of offsprings, drug addition, the disorded personality, the lack of high feelings, the disorder of the will power, the conjugal and family community


A family is a group of people, who have an effect on each other. The positive relationship among family memebers have a great impact on creating and developing the personality traits. However, on the other hand, the influence of negative relashionship, even, of one family member, can have a destructive impact on the whole family community. The child acquires all essential skills and knowledge by being in a family. These ablilities are crucial and they allow a child to function properly in a social community. The greater parental responsibility, the richer personality of a child and the better beginning of his or her adult life. Nevetheless, the boundary between a „normal” family and the one, which shows the first symptoms of pathology, is very thin.

When the parents start to put their favourites above their children’s good and needs because of some egoistic reasons, what is more, when the alcohol, some departures, the work as well as their friends are of utmost importance than their offsprings, the boundary is much more visible. It is claimed that in the case of disordered and demoralized family, the proper development of the child’s personality is impossible. There are some pe ople, who are worried becoming addicted to drugs or alcohol, and they try to find out their personality traits that can be characteristic for compulsive personality. They are curious and want to know what they should focus on in order to break free of the statement of being an addict or, even, they search for the good reason not to start taking drugs or any kinds of psychoactive substances.

There are no doubts that the genetic factors have a great influence on the occurence of the risk of addiciton. According to the research, in the a situation when a person possesses a family member, who struggles with the addiction, there are increased chances for him or her of becoming addicted too. It is also highlighted that some of the human genome are identified as the ones that have the direct connections with the certain kind of addiction. Thanks to this precious knowledge, it will be possibile to estimate the probability of occuring the addiction due to a specific case in a more precise way. The existence of a certain genetic potencial does not state the only and direct cause of the addiction development. There are other complex environmental factors that also play an important role. Besides the genetic background, there is an another individual distinctive feature, which may decide about the high risk of addiction, and it can be defined as the occurence of psychological genetic background. People, who cope with some psychological disorders in the early stage, can overuse and be more prone to be addicted to various kinds of harmful substances.


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How to Cite

Graczyk, K. (2022). The influence of disordered drug addict’s personality on his offspring. Studia Włocławskie, 24, 474–498.


