The evangelistic dimension of the priestly ministry



God’s Love, priesthood, priest, Christ’s servant


The purpose of this article was presentation of the fruitfulness of evangelisation’s masterpiece which is a fundamental task of priestly ministry. The analysis of the source material, especially the Church’s teachings and, above all, St. John Paul II’s showed that the effectiveness of evangelistic priest ministry remains in his spiritual shape and the way of leading this masterpiece itself. When a priest maintains a deep relationship with Christ through a devout sacramental life, zealous prayer and extreme ascetism, he will be able more to give witness about Him. And when his spiritual shape meets the proper way of exercising the sacred ministry: the word of God, i.e. with zeal of sacraments, i.e. with piety for people, i.e. with love, then his mission will be very fruitful.


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Author Biography

Henryk Wejman, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

Biskup rzym.-kat. Prof. dr hab. nauk humanistycznych, specjalista w zakresie teologii duchowości, w latach 2004–2014 zatrudniony na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego (profesor, kierownik katedry, dziekan). Od 20 XII 2014 r. – biskup pomocniczy archidiecezji szczecińsko-kamieńskiej.



How to Cite

Wejman, H. (2018). The evangelistic dimension of the priestly ministry. Studia Włocławskie, 20, 377–390. Retrieved from


