The canonical proceedings of the mistake determining the will according to the inseparability of marriage




the mistake determining will, the mistake according to quality, clause, the inseparability of marriage, the judicial proceedings, the cause of nullity, the simulation


The definite actual state of affairs causing the disruption of the correct expression of the conjugal agreement can be considered from the various points of view, namely, the different titles of the nullity of marriage. In addition, the proceedings should disapprove the presumption included in the Canon 1101 § 1 The Code of the Canonical Law (concerning the compatibility of words and signs determining the conjugal agreement with the nupturient’s internal will). Besides, just in every other nullitatis matrimonii case, in such simulation issues, the Judge is not able to adjudicate on the nullity of the conjugal agrement ob exclusum bonum sacramenti without gaining, in this regard, required moral insurance, enclosed in the Canon 1608 §4 The Code of the Canonical Law, created ex actis et probatis. The whole proceedings in simulation cases is, undoubtedly, difficult and complicated, because of the internal act of alleged malingerer, and the needed disapproval of the presumption enclosed in the Canon 1001 § 1The Code of the Canonical Law. The most common and accepted proves in the jurisdiction of Sacra Romana Rota towards the exclusion of inseparability of marriage as well as in other simulation cases are: 1) the testimony of malingerer: the court and beyond the court one, 2) the important and adequate cause of simulation – the close and the further one, 3) the all circumstances: these ones before the marriage, the ones which accompanied the whole wedding ceremony, and those that occured after the marriage. In the issuse of nullity of marriages, the Judge is obliged to consider, precisely, in his or her conscience, namely, appraise exactly all the evidence without omitting anything.

The process of nullity of marriage is very complicated, and it can be conducted according to the various titles, determining the subject of disposal by the canons of the Canonical Law regarding marriages.The goal of the judicial process in the ecclesiastical court is not to dissolve the marriage, but to state if it was valid or not due to the current canonical law. The statement of nul lity of marriage can not be interpreted as its annulment or dissolution. In the essence of it, the whole marriage is invalid from the beginning. Moreover, in such kind of process none of the spouses are guilty. However, the canonical cause of the marriage nullity is determined.

Author Biography

Krzysztof Graczyk, PAT w Warszawie

Dr hab., studia specjalistyczne z zakresu prawa kanonicznego na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim (1994–1998), uwieńczone doktoratem z kościelnego prawa małżeńskiego. Sędzia w Sądzie Kościelnym Diecezji Włocławskiej. Wykładowca prawa kanonicznego. W 2013 r. uzyskał licencjat z teologii na PWT we Wrocławiu, a w 2015 r. habilitację na Wydziale Teologicznym UMK. Autor kilkudziesięciu artykułów prawnych i prawno-duszpasterskich w pozycjach książkowych i czasopismach.


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How to Cite

Graczyk, K. (2021). The canonical proceedings of the mistake determining the will according to the inseparability of marriage. Studia Włocławskie, 23, 351–378.


