The concept of the spirituality of the laity. Analytical study of the writings of Alicja Lenczewska




mysticism, Eucharist, sacrifice, communion, service to neighbours


The aim of this presentation was to show the nature of the spirituality of a layperson based on the teachings of Alicja Lenczewska. This issue gained interest because Alicja Lenczewska was a layperson who worked as a teacher for many years. After her teaching and writing activity, she left behind significant works that could not be ignored. The effect of that is this undertaking, in which the social and cultural context of Alicja Lenczewska's existence was first outlined, then her forms of spirituality were revealed, expressed in love of God, zealous service to others and sacrificial dedication to the salvation of people, and finally the spiritual means she used were indicated, owing to which she developed spiritually, namely: prayer, asceticism and sacramental life. Taking into account all these information allowed for a reasonable conclusion to be drawn that Alicja Lenczewska as a layperson, despite her previous imperfections and then personal conversion, was able to devote herself to God's cause and pray for forgiveness for sinners through her prayer and suffering. Thus, she became an apostle of God's mercy.

Author Biography

Henryk Wejman, Uniwersytet Szczeciński

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How to Cite

Wejman, H. (2023). The concept of the spirituality of the laity. Analytical study of the writings of Alicja Lenczewska. Studia Włocławskie, 25, 92–117.


