Separation of the Church from the state. Reception of the doctrine of the Second Vatican Council in the Concordat between the Holy See and the Republic of Poland from 1993




The Second Vatican Council revised the traditional state-church relationship model on which the concordat agreements concluded by the Holy See with the states were based. From a certain historical perspective, it should be stated that Council reinterpreted the Christian concept of religious-political dualism in order to adapt it to new conditions. Among the conciliar indications regarding the state-church relationship, the following principles are of fundamental importance: respect for religious freedom in the individual and community dimension; the autonomy and independence of the Church and the state of each in its order; cooperation between the church and the state. The principal developed at the Council became the basis for developing a new theory of the state-church relationship and consequently the revision of the institution of the concordat. Therefore, there was a need to verify the content of concordat agreements with the new indications through a dialogue with the authorities of individual countries.

The concordat between the Holy See and the Republic of Poland, signed on July 28, 1993, is a momentous event in the life of two independent and autonomous communities, i.e. the Catholic Church in Poland and the Polish State. The signed document constitutes permanent relations on the state-church level as it is an act of international law. The subject of the 1993 concordat is all matters of church life in Poland, both in its institutional and individual dimension.

Author Biography

Janusz Borucki, Catholic Academy in Warsaw

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How to Cite

Borucki, J. (2020). Separation of the Church from the state. Reception of the doctrine of the Second Vatican Council in the Concordat between the Holy See and the Republic of Poland from 1993. Studia Włocławskie, 22, 280–302.




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