The Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek over the years 1984–2017



the Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek, forming and history of the Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek, activity, statute, „Włocławek Studies”, the Polish Theological Society


The article presents the origin of the Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek, formed in 1984, as the reactivated pre-war organisation known as the Theological Society in Włocławek. It includes not only its history, but also its activity; from the beginning until the year of 2017. The activity direction of the society is designated by its Statute which has also got a history. Currently, its third version, approved on 30th Oct 2017 by the bishop Wiesław Alojzy Mering, the ordinary of Włocławek diocese, is in force. The article also contains the informantion on the structure of the Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek, its tasks and their realisation, due to the Statute. In the last point of the article, there are shown the relations between the Theological Society in Włocławek and the Polish Theological Society, seated in Cracow.


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Author Biography

Lech Król, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Ksiądz rzym.-kat. Dr hab. teologii duchowości chrześcijańskiej; prowadzi wykłady w Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika z zakresu teologii duchowości. Autor książki Charyzmat Zgromadzenia Służebnic Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego (Włocławek 2012) i wielu artykułów naukowych. Prezes Teologicznego Towarzystwa Naukowego Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego we Włocławku; redaktor „Studiów Włocławskich”. Spowiednik i kierownik duchowy zgromadzeń zakonnych.



How to Cite

Król, L. (2018). The Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek over the years 1984–2017. Studia Włocławskie, 20, 87–110. Retrieved from


