The subject of meetings of the Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek over the years 1984–2017



Theological Scientific Society of the Higher Seminary in Włocławek, topic of meetings


This year (2018) is the 90 anniversary of the founding of the Theological Society in Włocławek. The unfavorable historical and political conditions have made it only about 50 years of actual activity, of this 11 years is the prewar period (1928–1939). The presented subject of the meeting is about the period since 1984, when the transformation of the „Krąg” scientific club into a theological association took place.

The above article contains a list of the topic of meeting of The Theological Society of the Higher Spiritual Seminary in Włocławek from 1984 to 2017. The topics of the meetings were presented on the basis of delivered papers, and in turn they were divided on the basis of their knowledge of the subject, taking into account the authors’ scientific interests, and they were chronologically presented. At some meetings instead of presentations were presented reports of congress internationals in which the members of the Society participated or discussed the organizational issues of the Society, they were published at the end of the publication.


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Author Biography

Janusz Borucki, Catholic Academy in Warsaw

Ksiądz rzym.-kat. Dr nauk prawnych w zakresie prawa kanonicznego, dr hab. nauk teologicznych, wiceoficjał Sądu Kościelnego Diecezji Włocławskiej; sekretarz Teologicznego Towarzystwa Naukowego Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego we Włocławku; wykładowca prawa kanonicznego.



How to Cite

Borucki, J. (2018). The subject of meetings of the Theological Academic Society of the Major Seminary in Włocławek over the years 1984–2017. Studia Włocławskie, 20, 111–128. Retrieved from




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