The influence of the drug addict’s disturbed personality on the good of spouses




good of spouses, drug habit, disturbed personality, affectivity, the lack of superior emotions, the disorders of the volitional power, the intimacy of the community of marriage, the community of the family and marriage


Various distractors can be listed such as drug addiction, mental disorders, affection, depression, paying too much attention to themselves, etc. that disallow the addicted person to lead a normal family life. They easily cause that the upper feelings are gradually disappearing as well as the conflicts between spouses are more often observed which leads to uprising aggression, distrustfulness,as well as the sense of harm and the loneliness. Moreover, such negative feelings as fear, grief, irritation, mistrust, the sense of harm and the embarrasment mainly dominate in the emotional climate of the family. Additionally, the family memebers are poorly aware of these feelings which can be expressed by various types of manipulation and aggressive bursts too. Both parents and children are deprived of ways and needs how to express these feelings. Furthermore, the family is not able to discuss with each other, negotiate and reach the compromise. The sentence differences are rather subdued in order not to threaten the unity of the family. It can be often visible that in such type of the families parents and children form the coalition, e.g. mother and child’s coalition against the father. What’s more, mothers quite often try to hide some of the signs of the child’s behaviour in the fear of the very rapid and unpredictable father’s behaviour. Sometimes, the fathers completely resign from the communication between family memebers, simultaneously, they are confined to the functions of breadwinners. The drug addiction is for the children the source of a lot of dramatic experiences which are more destructive for the child’s development when they are younger. The atmosphere that is present at family surroundings inspires them with the feeling of fear and prevents them from having the proper growth. Such children often neglected by their drug addict parents experience the fear of their parents’ leaving or death as well as they become the victims of verbal and physical aggression and the witnesses of continuing conflicts that are very often bound with the use of the force. The behaviour of drug addict is unpredictable as well as exposes the family members to the troubles and distress. Besides, it arouses the feeling of embarrasment and shame. Furthermore, the serious financial troubles appear because of too many financial outlays for drugs or the loss of the job as the result of dereliction of the effectiveness of the duties. To sum up, the drug addict’s child living in permanent feeling of fear and the injustice does not have the proper role models, the right attitudes and rules of living which they can use in their adult life.

Author Biography

Krzysztof Graczyk, Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie

Ksiądz rzym.-kat. Dr hab., studia specjalistyczne z zakresu prawa kanonicznego na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim (1994–1998), uwieńczone doktoratem z kościelnego prawa małżeńskiego. Od 2001 r. sędzia w Sądzie Kościelnym Diecezji Włocławskiej. Od 2003 r. wykładowca prawa kanonicznego na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym w Warszawie – Sekcja św. Jana Chrzciciela. Studium Teologii we Włocławku. Oddział w Koninie. W 2013 r. uzyskał licencjat z teologii na Papieskim Wydziale Teologicznym we Wrocławiu, a w 2015 r. habilitację na Wydziale Teologicznym Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu. Autor kilkudziesięciu artykułów prawnych i prawno-duszpasterskich w pozycjach książkowych i czasopismach.


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How to Cite

Graczyk, K. (2020). The influence of the drug addict’s disturbed personality on the good of spouses. Studia Włocławskie, 22, 303–327.


