The subject of Włocławek in „Włocławek studies” over the years 1998–2017



„Włocławek Studies”, Vladislaviensia, titles of articles, authors


The present article was well-thought-out as the work collecting publishing achievements associated with cannon Vladislaviensia in nineteen volumes of „Włocławek Studies”.

The work came into existence based on three elements. In first chronologically authors and articles issued by them were presented.

In second alphabetically authors of these studies were portrayed, moving closer their research interests highlighted in articles. At least it is necessary to admit that situations caused the certain difficulty, when the author handed one article over for the press, on will place which it is hard to portray object of his researches.

Words were the third element keys which were applied, for moving closer the contents included in this department. Also and here a certain difficulty appeared, because a principle was applied one article to one keyword, and in many cases of submitting the ones one could put in a few keywords. However this principle resulted from restrictions resulting from frames of the article.

The following set of keys was accepted: diocesan archive; bishops working in the diocese; Christianization; diocese clergy; diocese pastoral work; diocese of the phase of functioning border; diocese religious education; diocese different; diocese of the source; cathedral building equipment; cathedral people; Catholic press; diocesan law; parishes, teams of the congregation (deaneries, networks); seminar library library; seminar library library conservation; seminar activity; seminar people, seminar education upbringing; diocesan education; salary, miscellany, Włocławek city; orders.

With effect of the work taken up, for which the present article is a word portraying 62 authors and 166 articles prepared by them which were characterised in 23 keywords were. In this way achievements of nineteen volumes of „Włocławek Studies” collected in the department were presented Vladislaviensia.


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Author Biography

Henryk Witczak, Papieski Wydział Teologiczny w Warszawie

Ksiądz rzym.-kat. Dr teologii, studia specjalistyczne z zakresu historii Kościoła, były dyrektor, a obecnie wykładowca w Studium Teologii w Koninie.



How to Cite

Witczak, H. (2018). The subject of Włocławek in „Włocławek studies” over the years 1998–2017. Studia Włocławskie, 20, 181–220. Retrieved from




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