Church archives in the light of current canonical norms


  • Janusz Gręźlikowski UKSW



archivist, current archive, historical archives, Church archive, secret archive, archival record


The church archives are a product of church institutions that collect and maintain testimonies about the past ownership and legal, church and pastoral activity of church legal entities. They are not only cultural goods, bat also real church goods which, in response to cultural and pastoral requirements, are to be protected and properly assessed inaccordance with canonical norms. Hence, the ecclesiastical legislator, universal or particular, issued appropriate legal norms regulating this area of church life and activity.

The presented legal norms relating to church archives have adopted many regulations that were in force in the normative acts of the former Code of Canon Law 1917. They specify that every church institution is obliged to keep files and documents related to it. The diocesan bishop is obliged to take care of the preservation of documents and files that were produced in institutions subordinate to him. He is to supervise these archives. In the central institution of a particular Church, which is the diocesan curia, there should be there archives: current (diocesan), secret and historical. The latter archive is a new type of archive, which was introduced by the currently binding Code of 1983. This archive should be erected by the diocesan bishop and records and documents of historical value should be kept in it.


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How to Cite

Gręźlikowski, J. (2022). Church archives in the light of current canonical norms. Studia Włocławskie, 24, 499–521.


