The duty of showing respect and obedience for the pope and proper Ordinary by the clergy




obedience in the Church, obedience to clergy, obedience to the Pope and one’s ordinary, the virtue of obedience, authority in the Church


The study showed the nature, source, foundation, essence and purpose of clergy’s obedience to the Pope and their own ordinary in the Church in the theological and canonical aspect. It pointed out that the obligation to recognize ecclesiastical headship consisting in Christian obedience and the practice of the virtue of obedi-ence that recognize supernatural values results from the hierarchical structure of the Church established by Christ. It is obedience to God, the Bishop of Rome and your own ordinary. Obedience is inscribed in the human and sacramental reality of the clergyman, and its fulfillment and practice is expected of him for the good and mission of the Church, which is the salvation of people.

The foundation of clergy’s obedience is the origin and authority of the Church’s authority resulting from the hierarchical structure of the Church. However, the authority of the superiors is not so much the law of ordering, but the duty of com-municating the commands received from God. Therefore, a clergyman who fulfills the duty of obedience should treat the pope and his own ordinary as mediators and see the will of God in their offices and accept it with understanding and acceptance. The sense and purpose of authority in the Church is to use what the sacrament of the priesthood offers, together with the canonical mission, with the necessary participation of the cleric’s full, conscious and actively understood connection with the Pope and his own ordinary, which in practice is expressed in the fulfillment of the canonical obligation of obedience.

The canonical obedience of clergy differs from that of the lay faithful and that of religious. For it is limited to matters covered by the provisions of universal canon law and particular law, and thus does not extend to the personal life of the clergyman. It must be lived by a clergyman in a spirit of faith and freedom. It consists not only in passive submission to the will of the Pope and one’s ordi-nary, but also in the active union of one’s own will with the will of the superior in the canonical and pastoral space. Penal sanctions related to disobedience to the orders of the Church authority confirm the importance and importance of the obligation of obedience to clergy.

Author Biography

Janusz Gręźlikowski, UKSW

Dr hab. nauk prawnych w zakresie prawa kanonicznego, profesor UKSW; oficjał Sądu Kościelnego Diecezji Włocławskiej; profesor prawa kanonicznego w Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym we Włocławku i Wyższym Seminarium Duchownym Księży Misjonarzy Świętej Rodziny w Kazimierzu Biskupim. Autor ponad 500 prac naukowych i popularno-naukowych, w tym sześciu książek.


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How to Cite

Gręźlikowski, J. (2021). The duty of showing respect and obedience for the pope and proper Ordinary by the clergy. Studia Włocławskie, 23, 323–350.


